Come Home to yourself

I help women who struggle with self-dissatisfaction, self-criticism, and self-sabotage to re-discover and re-embrace themselves as a whole. My passion is to help women find a home within.

Ready to start your self-discovery journey?

How I can help you!

My Online Services for Expat Women Around the World!

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One-on-One Coaching

One-on-one coaching and mentoring journey to amplify clarity on oneself and life missions.


Group Coaching & Workshops

دوره خودشفقت‌ورزی ذهن آگاهانه

یک دوره ۹ هفته ای برای پرورش مهارت شفقت به خود در افرادی که با صدای بیرحم سرزنش و انتقاد درون دست و پنجه نرم می کنند.

Beyond Hearing

A 6-week long program that helps you develop tools to tune in to yourself using mindfulness practices.

Artist's Way

A 13-week long journey for women to deepen their transformative practice and life experiences based on the book “The Artist’s Way” written by Julia Cameron.


Self-Discovery, Self-Care, and Self-Compassion

Coach & Mentor

After 12 years of expat life, moving countries, and cities, and changing jobs and communities, I learned that home is found nowhere but with oneself. My mission is to help expat women find that safe feeling of home and belonging within themselves first.

My Services are 


You can work with me from
anywhere in the world.


You don't need to leave the house! Grab yourself a coffee and let's chat together from your couch

For Expat Women

As an expat myself, I know the
challenges very well, and I would like
to share my experiences and expertise with my fellow expat women.

English / Persian

My services are available to you,
both in Persian and English.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You yearn for a different job, a different lifestyle, a different community, and different surroundings, yet you can’t make any changes in your life because you are held back by your fears
  • You feel helpless against your mental barriers and “you’re not good enough” whispers in your mind
  • You feel uncertain, restless, lost, stuck, afraid, and indecisive

Growth Starts from Your Inbox, for Free:

We’ll send you free tips and learnings on self-care and personal development, as well as special announcements and launches. Oh and don’t worry, we totally respect your privacy.

What people say !

فرم ثبت نام در وبینار
"چگونه دست از خود تخریبی برداریم؟"

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